Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm so P'ed off about people bitching about Bukharians

I cant believe people post the kinds of comments that they did about Bukharian Jews living in Queens on    .  They complain about their buildings, saying that they are over sized for the lots that they were built on.  They question their integrity, and legality of their income.  They even question their manners and culture.  
This is unreal.  
First:  Most of the Bukharians are not criminals... Let this be a lesson to those who are too closed minded to realize this fact.  Just like in any nationality, race or religion, there are a few bad apples in a bunch here and there, and we all know who they are.  They are the guys and gals who eventually end up in jail or killed, and who are despised by all people, not just outsiders, but also by people within their community.  Bukharian community by and large, is a very religious community.  They keep things to themselves and don't speak out as much as others do because that's how things are in their culture.  NOT because they are secretive or because they have an agenda against you paranoid people.  They are not confrontational, and usually try to live within their means.  Even if they build a "mansion", they do it with a goal in mind, and a mindset that they can afford it and will pay off any debt that will come with it.  You don't see too many foreclosures  on Bukharian houses, do you? 
 Many Bukharians who are in Queens these days are first generation immigrants.  They were able to become so successful in such a short period of time because they had help from a very close knitted ties in family and a network of previous associates and friends (something that is unique, and maybe alien to many who live in US for a long period of time).  They help each other A LOT and have sacrificed a lot to get to where they are, and now they are enjoying the fruits of their hard earned labor.  
It wasn't such a long time ago, when other immigrant groups that came to US were in the same situation as Bukharian Jews are in today.  I'm pretty sure there were a lot of other groups of people who where very dissatisfied with the fact that Italians and Irish (as well as other nationalities) had their gangs roaming the streets of New York.  How did those people make their living? Cleaning floors and putting up bricks?  Don't think so.  They were thugs, just like there are Bukharian Jews thugs and Ashkanazi Jews thugs and Indian thugs  and Chinese thugs and Black thugs and  and so on and so on.  Its a small minority of people who make the pages of the news papers, but become the widely viewed faces in the public eye.  By the way, the authors of those "news" articles should be questioned as to why they write such inflammatory articles in the first place, and who is paying them to write this crap. This is not news, its a point of view... sort of like propaganda (I call it as I see it).
Bukharians came to this country in pursuit of happiness, privacy and freedom of religion (remember those rights in US constitution that everyone is entitled to in this country?).  If they are doing it legally, why are people having a problem with this???  They have very good family values, something that some American families (lets face it) can only dream about.  They try to teach their kids to strive for education, to live honorably, respect their elders, their neighbors and others  and to be successful.  Now it is true... none of the Bukharian Jews have cured cancer yet.  But who did?  And who is trying?  the people who are complaining about their neighborhood being overrun by Bukharian Jews???  Trust me, the people who are trying to cure cancer, or doing anything remotely as important as that, have a lot more on their minds than carrying about who lives around them.  I've worked and studied with those people, i know.
Now, I'm say this with out most respect to every community that inhabits Queens or any other borough of New York city.  If you don't like us...  leave.  Because we are not going anywhere.  
As for me, I am a Bukharian Jew.  I have a Biochemistry degree and I am a doctor, i got my degree from one of the top schools in this nation.  My wife is a doctor.  Her parents are both doctors.  My sister was an NYPD officer and now works in  a Social Security Office.  Her husband, was an NYPD officer but now holds a position as chief officer in NY sanitation department.  We all first generation Americans,  we all pay our taxes, and we all deserve to live in this community as much as anyone else.  And what we do with our house or lives for that matter,  is non of anybodies business except ours.